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The power of an open platform

Get more out of your tech stack and unlock event data for your entire organization with Bizzabo’s event software integrations. Leverage endless customizable Bizzabo integrations that are reliable, scalable, and secure.
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Build better events with Bizzabo

Open API

Get limitless access to invaluable event data, and instantly enrich any API-enabled platform in your tech stack. It's open API that developers absolutely love.
Open API

Build better events with Bizzabo

Direct integrations

Integrations with CRMs and marketing automation platforms allow your teams to get on the same page, making your life as an event planner much less stressful. Integrate with Marketo, Hubspot, Salesforce, and Pardot to watch your event data come to life.
Direct integrations

Build better events with Bizzabo

Leverage real-time data whenever you need it

Benefit from real-time data to power your martech stack. Turn event analytics and data into a growth opportunity for your entire organization with instant insights that can be embedded anywhere.
Leverage real-time data whenever you need it

Why Bizzabo?

Manage all events at scale with streamlined operations
Easily collaborate across all your stakeholders
Use a simplified workflow with responsive updating
Leverage all the data you want with a single source of truth
Get industry-leading support, know-how, and thought leadership
Manage all events at scale with streamlined operations